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Dortmund old market square

Dortmund old market square

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This webcam shows the east side of the old market square in Dortmund. It is runned by the the city of Dortmund.

Düsburg city

Düsburg city

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This webcam shows the old city and a small part of the new one.

Düsburg harbour

Düsburg harbour

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This cam shows the harbour of Düsburg at the Rhine.

Düsburg Hansgeracht

Düsburg Hansgeracht

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2.00/5 rating_picture_cam146


This wabcam shows the "Hansgeracht" in Düsburg. This is a human made water way.

Düsburg Eurogate

Düsburg Eurogate

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2.00/5 rating_picture_cam147


This webcam is placed in the city hall in Düsburg. It shows the Eurogate. This is a modern hotel and office building.

Five Boat Düsburg

Five Boat Düsburg

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1.50/5 rating_picture_cam148


This camera shows the "Five Boats" in Düsburg. These are so called modern office buildings at the inside harbour of Düsburg.

Five Boats Düsburg

Five Boats Düsburg

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3.00/5 rating_picture_cam149


This cam shows the "Five Boats" in Düsburg. "Five Boats" this is the name of these modern office buildings.

A40 motorway

A40 motorway

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2.33/5 rating_picture_cam150


This webcam shows the A40 motorway life. In Germany you have mostly no speed limitations at these motorways.

Mannheim Water-Tower

Mannheim Water-Tower

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This Webcam showes the famous Water-Tower in Mannheim. It has been build 1889. The camera is placed at the roof of the Maritim hotel.

Eiffel Tower Paris

Eiffel Tower Paris

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4.38/5 rating_picture_cam153


This webcam shows the eiffel tower in paris which was build from 1887 to 1889


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Düsburg Hansgeracht

Düsburg Hansgeracht


2/5 rating picture
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