var Configurator = { step : 1, maxStep: 12, extCode: null, options: { variable : 'widgetConfigurator', mode : '1', prefix : 'camnetwork_widget', defaultCam : null, title : '', titlePrefix : '', limit : '50', cams : [], area : null, rating : true, links : true, disclaimer : true, lang : '1', widthIn : '2', width : '98', fontColor : '000', linkColor : '000', borderColor : '1a1a33', elementColor : 'eaeaff', hasBorders : false, hasElementColors: 'true' }, geoarea_accourany: -1, step2Links: [], step3LimitChanged: false, step4value: '', step4error: false, step4edited: false, step11agbChanged: false, step11error: false, step11codeReuqested: false, typedTimeout: null, typingCallbackDelay: function (callback, param, delay) { var getCallback = function (callback, param, that) { return function () { callback(param, that); }; }; if (this.typedTimeout !== null) { window.clearTimeout(this.typedTimeout); } this.typedTimeout = window.setTimeout(getCallback(callback, param, this), delay); }, getSend: function () { var param, args, i; args = []; for (param in this.options) { if (typeof (this.options[param]) === 'object' && (this.options[param] instanceof Array)) { for (i = 0; i < this.options[param].length; i++) { args.push(param + "[]=" + encodeURIComponent (this.options[param][i])); } }else { args.push((param === 'variable'?'var':param) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.options[param])); } } return args.join('&'); }, hiddenButtons: {}, show: function (stepId,that,el) { var varName = "s_" + stepId; //el.parentNode.removeChild(el); = "none"; that.hiddenButtons[varName] = el; if (that.step < stepId) { that.step = stepId; that.updateView (that); } }, //step 1 done modeSelected: function (selection) { var emtpySel = $('hptoolEmptyOption'); if (emtpySel!=null) { emtpySel.parentNode.removeChild(emtpySel); } this.step = 2; this.options.mode = selection.value; this.updateView(this); if( this.options.mode == 4 || this.options.mode == 3 ) { this.step2Links = []; } if (!this.step4edited) { this.options.defaultCam = null; } }, //setp 2 done geoAreaOrCamsSelected: function (params,that) { var id,feedback,linkObject; var selection = params[0]; var linkId = params[1]; var value = selection.value; var error = false; if (that.options.mode == 4) { id = Camnetwork.getGeoIdByLink( value ); error = (id===false); if (!error) { that.options.area = id; }else { //no update to step 3 error = true; delete( that.options.area ); } }else{ id = Camnetwork.getCamIdByLink( value ); error = (id===false); if(!error){ if( that.options.cams.length > linkId){ that.options.cams[linkId] = id; }else{ that.options.cams.push(id); } }else{ if( that.options.cams.length > linkId ){ //remove old id from list delete(that.options.cams[linkId]); } } } if (error) { //error occured, do not go to step 3 if( that.options.mode == 4 ){ feedback = that.getGeoAreaErrorMesage(); }else{ feedback = that.getWebcamErrorMesage(); } }else{ //no error occured, go to step 3 if( that.step==2 ){ that.step = 3; } if( that.options.mode == 4 ){ feedback = that.getGeoAreaSuccessMesage(id,that); }else{ feedback = that.getWebcamSuccessMesage(id,that); } } linkObject = { url: value, feedback: feedback, error: error }; if (that.step2Links.length > linkId) { that.step2Links[linkId] = linkObject; }else{ that.step2Links.push( linkObject ); } if (!that.step4edited) { that.options.defaultCam = null; } that.updateView(that); }, //step 3 done limitSelected: function (selection) { var emtpySel = $('hptoolEmptyOption'); if (!this.step3LimitChanged && emtpySel!=null) { emtpySel.parentNode.removeChild(emtpySel); } this.step3LimitChanged = true; if (this.step==3) { if (this.step4error) { this.step = 4; } else{ this.step = 5; } } this.options.limit = selection.value; if (!this.step4edited) { this.options.defaultCam = null; } this.updateView(this); }, //step 4 done defaultSelected: function (selection, that) { var value = selection.value; var id = Camnetwork.getCamIdByLink(value); that.step4error = (id === false); if (!that.step4error) { that.options.defaultCam = id; this.step = 5; } that.step4value = value; that.step4edited = true; that.updateView(that); }, //step 5 done showRatingSelected: function (selected) { this.options.rating = selected.checked?1:0; this.updateView(this); }, //step 6 done showGeolinksSelected: function (selected) { this.options.links = selected.checked?1:0; this.updateView(this); }, //step 7 done showDisclaimerSelected: function (selected) { this.options.disclaimer = selected.checked?1:0; this.updateView(this); }, //step 6 (8) done showTitle: function (bool) { var element; element = $('hptool_static_title'); var element2; element2 = $('hptool_title_prefix'); if (bool) { if (element) { element.disabled = false; } if (element2) { element2.disabled = true; } }else { if (element) { element.disabled = true; } if (element2) { element2.disabled = false; } if (this.step == 6) { this.step = 7; this.updateView (this); } } }, titleSelected: function (selection,that) { var value = ''; if(typeof selection == 'string'){ value = selection; }else if(typeof that == 'object'){ value = selection.value; } that.options.title = value; if (that.step == 6) { that.step = 7; } that.updateView (that); }, titlePrefixSelected: function (selection,that) { var value = ''; if(typeof selection == 'string'){ value = selection; }else if(typeof that == 'object'){ value = selection.value; } that.options.titlePrefix = value; that.updateView (that); }, //step 7 done languageSelected: function (selection) { var value = selection.value; this.options.lang = value; if(this.step == 7){ this.step = 8; } this.updateView (this); }, //step 8 done widthIn: function (selection) { var value = selection.value; this.options.widthIn = value; this.updateView(this); }, widthSelected: function (selection) { var value = selection.value; this.options.width = value; this.updateView (this); }, //step 9 done bordersSelected: function (selected) { this.options.hasBorders = selected.checked?1:0; this.updateView (this); }, elementBordersSelected: function (selected) { this.options.hasElementColors = selected.checked?1:0; this.updateView (this); }, //step 10 done fontColorSelected: function (selection,that) { that.options.fontColor = selection.value; that.updateView (that); }, borderColorSelected: function (selection, that) { that.options.borderColor = selection.value; that.updateView (that); }, elementColorSelected: function (selection, that) { that.options.elementColor = selection.value; that.updateView(that); }, linkColorSelected: function (selection, that) { that.options.linkColor = selection.value; that.updateView (that); }, //step 11 done prefixSelected: function (selection, that) { that.options.prefix = selection.value; that.updateView (that); }, termsChanged: function (selection, that) { that.step11agbChanged = true; that.updateView (that); }, codeRequested: function (selection, that) { that.step11codeReuqested = true; that.updateView (that); }, updateView: function (that) { /*display hidden buttons that shell no longer be hidden*/ var i; var maxSteps = 13; for( i = that.step+1; i < maxSteps; i++ ) { varName = ("s_"+i); if ( that.hiddenButtons.hasOwnProperty( varName ) ) { var el = that.hiddenButtons[varName] = 'inline'; } } var wrapper; var send = that.getSend(); var getCallback = function (that) { return function () { var i,el,content; content = $('content'); for (i=0; i <= that.step; i++) { that.updateStep[i] (that); el = $('camnetwork_widgetstep_'+i); if( el && content && el.offsetTop+el.offsetHeight > content.offsetHeight ){ = '100%'; } } for (i=that.step+1; i<=that.maxStep; i++) { that.hideStep(i); } }; }; var update = getCallback (that); var request = eval ('('+RequestCache.getRequest('POST', '',send,null,false)+')'); if (that.options.defaultCam == null) { that.step4value = request.defaultLink; that.options.defaultCam = request.defaultId; } if( 'accourancy' in request ){ that.geoarea_accourany = request.accourancy; } that.extCode = request.codeExt; RequestCache.setRequest('POST','','var=camName&id='+request.defaultId+'&lang='+that.options.lang,request.defaultName); wrapper = $('crn_main_widget_wrapper'); if (wrapper) { wrapper.innerHTML = request.code; } update (); }, /* these functions are used to render the form elements for the selected steps * after a previous step was updated */ updateStep : [ //step0 - will never be needed function(){}, //step1 - will never be needed function(){}, //step2 function (that) { var text, box, i; var items=''; if ( that.options.mode == 4 || that.options.mode == 3 ) { box = $('camnetwork_widgetstep_2_items'); if (that.options.mode == 4 ) { //display geo area selection text = 'Bitte kopieren Sie den Link zur gewünschten Region in das Textfeld unten. Diesen können Sie unserer Übersicht entnehmen.'.split('[url]').join(''); }else { text = 'Bitte kopieren Sie den Link zur ersten Webcam Ihrer Individuellen Auswahl in das Textfeld unten.'; } if (that.step2Links.length>0){ items += ''; items += '
'+that.step2Links[0].feedback+''; }else { items += ''; } for(i=1;i < that.step2Links.length; i++){ items += '
'; items += '
'+that.step2Links[i].feedback+''; } if ( that.options.mode == 3 && that.step2Links.length>0 && that.step2Links[that.step2Links.length-1].error === false ) { //render empty input items+='
'; } $('camnetwork_widgetlbl_selection').innerHTML = text; $('camnetwork_widgetstep_2').style.display = 'block'; box.innerHTML = items; }else { //no selection required that.hideStep( 2 ); if (that.step==2) { that.step = 3; } } }, //step3 function (that) { var text,i,values,name; var options=''; if ( that.options.mode == 1 || that.options.mode == 2 || ( that.options.mode == 4 && ( that.geoarea_accourany == 4 || that.geoarea_accourany == 5) ) ) { //try to get limit switch (parseInt( that.options.mode, 10)) { case 1: text = 'Bis zu welchem Rang sollen die best bewerteten Webcams Angezeigt werden?'; break; case 2: text = 'Bis zu welchem Rang sollen die meist besuchten Webcams Angezeigt werden?'; break; case 4: name = RequestCache.getRequest('POST','','var=geoName&id='+that.options.area+'&lang=1',null,false); text = 'In welchem Umkreis um den Mittelpunkt von [regionname] sollen Webcams angezeigt werden?'.split('[regionname]').join(name); break; } if (!that.step3LimitChanged) { options+=''; } if (that.options.mode == 4) { for(i = 1; i<300; i++) { options += '